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RESOUNDING GENDER: THINKING THROUGH A FEEDBACKING SCOLD'S BRIDLE (2023) is a lecture performance that reflects on the developments within Luca's artistic PhD research, which inquires relationships between sound, gender, power, and social structures in human-object encounters. How is gender (per)fomed through sound in human-nonhuman entanglements? – is the main research question of the project. Across (auto)ethnographic, semiotic, and artistic methodological approaches, they study a diversity of objects that, in contact with the human body, have a significant presence of gendered sound. In this lecture performance, the focus lies on insights gained from experimenting with a scold’s bridle (a Medieval torture instrument) replica.

[video will be uploaded soon]

Lecuture Performance at isaScience (international conference), 'Sonic Ties: Rethinking Communities and Collectives, organised by the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) [A]. Recording made by mdw. 

Andrews, W. (1899). Bygone Punishments. William Andrews & Co.

Boose, L. (1991). Scolding Brides and Bridling Scolds: Taming the Woman’s Unruly Member. Shakespeare Quarterly, 42(2), 179–213.

Dittel, K., & Edwards, C. (2022). Introduction. In K. Dittel & C. Edwards (Eds.), The Material Kinship Reader. Onomatopee.

Dobasch, R. P., Dobash, R. E., & Gutteridge, S. (1986). The Imprisonment of Women. Basil Blackwell.

Federici, S. (2018). Witches, Witch-Hunting and Women. PM Press.

Fox, V. C. (2002). Historical Perspectives on Violence Against Women. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 4(1), 15–34.

Ingram, martin. (1994). “Scolding Women Cucked or Washed”: A Crisis in Gender Relations in Early Modern England. In J. Kermode & G. Walker (Eds.), Women, Crime and the Courts in Early Modern England (pp. 48–80). Routledge.

Jewitt, L. (1860). Scolds; And How They Cured Them in the “Good Old Times”. In The Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist 1860-10 (Vol. 1, pp. 65–78). Open Court Publishing Co.

Kilomba, G. (2010). Plantation Memories: Episodes of Everyday Racism (2nd ed.). Unrast Verlag.

Pagan, V. (2022). 21st Century Bridling: Non-disclosure Agreements in Cases of Organizational Misconduct. Human Relations, 0(0), 1–25.


 © 2024 by Luca Soudant

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