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The self-coined term 'sonic manspreading' operates as a research concept that has helped to signal and acknowledge the noisy and occupational wide-horizontal space that sticks to masculinity. Typically, western theories on gender performativity are focussed on the visual: anatomy, clothes, accessories, bodily movement, hair, etc. Alternatively, sonic manspreading investigates the spatial sonic manifestations of gender performativity. From a bottom-up and acoustic perspective, it focusses on the space-taking Eurocentric and colonial construction of masculinity that dominates and oppresses on a global scale. As term-of-departure it has moved through various projects: community-based work, performances, audio works, installations, and Luca's writing practice.

Sonic ManspreadingLuca Soudant

Audio performance at Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam [NL], 2019. Photo by Alizé Wachto.
Conference talk at 'Methodologies of Sonic Thinking', International Online Conference, Útsí nad Labem [CZ], 2020. Talk starts from 5:15:47 onwards.

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